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Extension Globals

In Zephir, extension globals provide a way to define and manage global variables within an extension. These globals are designed for simple scalar types such as int, bool, double, char, etc. It's a mechanism to set up configuration options that can influence the behavior of your library.

To enable extension globals, you need to add a specific structure to your config.json:

    "globals": {
        "allow_some_feature": {
            "type": "bool",
            "default": true,
            "module": true
        "number_times": {
            "type": "int",
            "default": 10
        "some_component.my_setting_1": {
            "type": "bool",
            "default": true
        "some_component.my_setting_2": {
            "type": "int",
            "default": 100

Each global has the following structure:

"<global-name>": {
    "type": "<some-valid-type>",
    "default": <some-compatible-default-value>

For compound (namespaced) globals:

"<namespace>.<global-name>": {
    "type": "<some-valid-type>",
    "default": <some-compatible-default-value>

The optional module key, if present, places the global's initialization process into the module-wide GINIT lifecycle event. This means it is set up only once per PHP process, rather than being reinitialized for every request, which is the default.

    "globals": {
        "allow_some_feature": {
            "type": "bool",
            "default": true,
            "module": true
        "number_times": {
            "type": "int",
            "default": 10

In the example above, allow_some_feature is set up only once at startup; number_times is set up at the start of each request.

Inside any method, you can read/write extension globals using the built-in functions globals_get/globals_set:

globals_set("allow_some_feature", true);
let someFeature = globals_get("allow_some_feature");

To modify these globals from PHP, you can create a method for this purpose:

namespace Test;

class MyOptions
    public static function setOptions(array options)
        boolean someOption, anotherOption;

        if fetch someOption, options["some_option"] {
            globals_set("some_option", someOption);

        if fetch anotherOption, options["another_option"] {
            globals_set("another_option", anotherOption);

Note that extension globals cannot be dynamically accessed, as the C code generated by the globals_get/globals_set optimizers must be resolved at compilation time:

let myOption = "someOption";

// will throw a compiler exception
let someOption = globals_get(myOption);