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Configuration File

Every Zephir extension has a configuration file called config.json. Zephir reads this file every time you build or generate the extension, allowing you to modify the extension's or compiler's behavior. The configuration file uses JSON as its format:

    "namespace": "test",
    "name": "Test Extension",
    "description": "My amazing extension",
    "author": "Tony Hawk",
    "version": "1.2.0"

Settings defined in this file override any factory default setting provided by Zephir.

The following settings are supported:


Used to configure the automatically generated HTML documentation for your extension. path specifies where to create the documentation relative to the project root. base-url is used to generate a sitemap.xml file for your documentation. theme is used to set the theme used for the generated documentation (via the name setting), and any options the theme supports passing (via the options setting). Finally, theme-directories is used to provide additional search paths for finding your desired theme.:

    "api": {
        "path": "doc/%version%",
        "base-url": "http://example.local/api/",
        "theme": {
            "name"   : "zephir",
            "options": {
                "github":           null,
                "analytics":        null,
                "main_color":       "#3E6496",
                "link_color":       "#3E6496",
                "link_hover_color": "#5F9AE7"
        "theme-directories": [


Company, developer, institution, etc that developed the extension:

    "author": "Tony Hawk"


Provides a way to configure the Zend Engine backend used by your extension. At the moment, only the templatepath, which lets you select between ZendEngine2 and ZendEngine3, is supported:

    "backend": {
        "templatepath": "ZendEngine3"


To import just the constants in a C source file into your project, list the file's path in this setting:

    "constants-sources": [


Extension description - any text describing your extension:

    "description": "My amazing extension"


This setting lets you provide one or more C functions to be executed on certain extension lifecycle events - specifically, RSHUTDOWN (request), PRSHUTDOWN (post-request), MSHUTDOWN (module), and GSHUTDOWN (globals). Check the lifecycle hooks chapter for more information.

    "destructors": [
            "request": [
                    "include": "my/awesome/library.h",
                    "code": "c_function_for_shutting_down(TSRMLS_C)"
                    "include": "my/awful/library.h",
                    "code": "some_other_c_function_than_the_other_ones(TSRMLS_C)"
            "post-request": [
                    "include": "my/awesome/library.h",
                    "code": "c_function_for_cleaning_up_after_the_response_is_sent(TSRMLS_C)"
            "module": [
                    "include": "my/awesome/library.h",
                    "code": "release_module_deps(TSRMLS_C)"
            "globals": [
                    "include": "my/awesome/library.h",
                    "code": "release_globals_deps(TSRMLS_C)"


The base filename of the extension. It must follow the same rules as the namespace setting, which is used as a fallback if this one isn't given.

    "extension-name": "test"


You can include a class from another namespace/extension directly in your own extension by configuring it here:

    "external-dependencies": {
        "My\\Awesome": "my/awesome/class.zep",
        "My\\Awful": "my/awful/class.zep"


Contains extra settings that also can be passed, as is, on the command line. Currently, that's export-clases (generate headers for accessing your classes from other C code), and indent (select between using tabs or spaces to indent code in generated files):

    "extra": {
        "export-classes": true,
        "indent": "tabs"


Any additional flags you want to add to the compilation process:

    "extra-cflags": "-I/usr/local/Cellar/libevent/2.0.21_1/include"


If you already have a PHP class implemented in C, you can include it directly in your extension by configuring it here:

    "extra-classes": [
            "header": "utls/old_c_class/class.h",
            "source": "utils/old_c_class/class.c",
            "init": "old_c_class",
            "entry": "old_c_class_ce"


Any additional libraries you want to add to the compilation process:

    "extra-libs": "-L/usr/local/Cellar/libevent/2.0.21_1/lib -levent"


Any additional files you want to add to the compilation process - the search directory is relative to the ext folder of your project:

    "extra-sources": [


Extension globals available. Check the globals chapter for more information.

    "globals": {
        "my_setting_1": {
            "type": "bool",
            "default": true
        "my_setting_2": {
            "type": "int",
            "default": 10


phpinfo() sections. Check the phpinfo() chapter for more information.

    "info": [
            "header": ["Directive", "Value"],
            "rows": [
                ["setting1", "value1"],
                ["setting2", "value2"]


This setting lets you provide one or more C functions to be executed on certain extension lifecycle events - specifically, GINIT (globals), MINIT (module), and RINIT (request). Check the lifecycle hooks chapter for more information.

    "initializers": [
            "globals": [
                    "include": "my/awesome/library.h",
                    "code": "setup_globals_deps(TSRMLS_C)"
            "module": [
                    "include": "my/awesome/library.h",
                    "code": "setup_module_deps(TSRMLS_C)"
            "request": [
                    "include": "my/awesome/library.h",
                    "code": "some_c_function(TSRMLS_C)"
                    "include": "my/awful/library.h",
                    "code": "some_other_c_function(TSRMLS_C)"


Extension name used in compiled C code - can only contain ascii characters:

    "name": "test"


The namespace of the extension - it must be a simple identifier respecting the regular expression [a-zA-Z0-9\_]+:

    "namespace": "test"


Compiler optimizations which should be enabled or disabled in the current project:

    "optimizations": {
        "static-type-inference": true,
        "static-type-inference-second-pass": true,
        "local-context-pass": false


The directories where your own optimizers can be found - the search directory is relative to the root folder of your project:

    "optimizer-dirs": [


Declare library dependencies (version constraints will be checked by pkg-config, and can use one of the operators =, >=, <=, or *):

    "package-dependencies": {
        "openssl": "*",
        "libpng": ">= 0.1.0",
        "protobuf": "<= 2.6.1"


Allows you to provide prototype files describing other extensions required to build your own, so they don't necessarily need to be installed during the build phase:

    "prototype-dir": {
        "igbinary": "prototypes",
        "session": "prototypes"


Allows you to list other extensions as required to build/use your own:

    "requires": {
        "extensions": [


Suppresses most/all output from zephir commands (same as -q or --quiet):

    "silent": false


This setting allows adjusting the way IDE documentation stubs are generated. path sets where the stubs should be created, while stubs-run-after-generate sets whether to automatically (re)build the stubs when your code is compiled to C:

    "stubs": {
        "path": "ide/%version%/%namespace%/",
        "stubs-run-after-generate": false


Displays more detail in error messages from exceptions generated by zephir commands (can also enable with -v, or disable with -V):

    "verbose": false


Extension version - must follow the regular expression [0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+:

    "version": "1.2.0"


Compiler warnings which should be enabled or disabled in the current project:

    "warnings": {
        "unused-variable": true,
        "unused-variable-external": false,
        "possible-wrong-parameter": true,
        "possible-wrong-parameter-undefined": false,
        "nonexistent-function": true,
        "nonexistent-class": true