Built-In Methods¶
As previously mentioned, Zephir strongly encourages object-oriented programming, allowing variables related to static types to be handled as objects.
Consider the following two methods with the same functionality:
public function binaryToHex(string s) -> string
var o = "", n; char ch;
for ch in range(0, strlen(s)) {
let n = sprintf("%X", ch);
if strlen(n) < 2 {
let o .= "0" . n;
} else {
let o .= n;
return o;
public function binaryToHex(string s) -> string
var o = "", n; char ch;
for ch in range(0, s->length()) {
let n = ch->toHex();
if n->length() < 2 {
let o .= "0" . n;
} else {
let o .= n;
return o;
Both methods achieve the same result, but the second one embraces object-oriented programming. It's worth noting that calling methods on static-typed variables has no impact on performance, as Zephir internally transforms the code from the object-oriented version to the procedural version.
Zephir provides several built-in methods for string manipulation:
Object-Oriented | Procedural | Description |
s->format() | sprintf(s, "%s", x) | Return a formatted string |
s->index("foo") | strpos(s, "foo") | Find the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string |
s->length() | strlen(s) | Get string length |
s->lower() | strtolower(s) | Make a string lowercase |
s->lowerfirst() | lcfirst(s) | Make a string's first character lowercase |
s->md5() | md5(s) | Calculate the md5 hash of a string |
s->sha1() | sha1(s) | Calculate the sha1 hash of a string |
s->trim() | trim(s) | Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string |
s->trimleft() | ltrim(s) | Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning of a string |
s->trimright() | rtrim(s) | Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the end of a string |
s->upper() | strtoupper(s) | Make a string uppercase |
s->upperfirst() | ucfirst(s) | Make a string's first character uppercase |
Zephir also offers built-in methods for array manipulation:
Object-Oriented | Procedural | Description |
a->combine(b) | array_combine(a, b) | Creates an array by using one array for keys and another for its values |
a->diff() | array_diff(a) | Computes the difference of arrays |
a->flip() | array_flip(a) | Exchanges all keys with their associated values in an array |
a->hasKey() | array_key_exists(a) | Checks if the given key or index exists in the array |
a->intersect(b) | array_intersect(a, b) | Computes the intersection of arrays |
a->join(" ") | join(" ", a) | Join array elements with a string |
a->keys() | array_keys(a) | Return all the keys or a subset of the keys of an array |
a->merge(b) | array_merge(a, b) | Merge one or more arrays |
a->pad() | array_pad(a, b) | Pad array to the specified length with a value |
a->rev() | array_reverse(a) | Return an array with elements in reverse order |
a->reversed() | array_reverse(a) | Return an array with elements in reverse order |
a->split() | array_chunk(a) | Split an array into chunks |
a->values() | array_values(a) | Return all the values of an array |
a->walk() | array_walk(a) | Apply a user supplied function to every member of an array |
For character manipulation, Zephir provides:
OO | Procedural |
ch->toHex() | sprintf("%X", ch) |
For integer manipulation, Zephir includes:
OO | Procedural |
i->abs() | abs(i) |